When I started this blog I figured I would be traveling more. However that's life right you set a plan and then life laughs at you. For those who know me, know that I absolutely love the beach. Its therapeutic for me . Its something about the sand and hearing the ocean waves crashing on the beach that just soothes me. Ive traveled moderately domestically. However this year was supposed to be my get out see the world year. I had reserved my first international trip! Finally going to use my passport that ive had for at least 4 years with no usage of it yet. Tomorrow I was supposed to be landing in Cancun to partake in my first trip out of the US at an all inclusive resort. However instead of packing and getting excited, I just sent my official cancel reservation e-mail. This sucks! But I know the environment that we are all in and my health is more important and travel will always be there. I''m a little in my feelings but I'll stop pouting in a minute and know that its for the best. When I do get to travel again I know its gonna be worth the wait. Thanks for listening to my rant and my effort to stay in the habit of updating this blog.

Mocha Carment Sandiego